弓道 ルール 英語

)When the left shoulder extends outwards in front of the body.The part of the Yumi below the Nigiri.The third bamboo joint from the Todake, below the Nigiri.The method of gripping the Yumi with the left hand.During Gyosha, the Yumi is not vertical when being drawn and is slanted backwards.A fold spanning the palm of the hand when knuckles at the base of the fingers from the forefinger to the little finger are flexed.The part of the Yumi where the Nigiri and Yazurido meet.

Also referred to as Daisan.The base of the thumb on Yunde.Lining up the tip of the middle finger, ring finger and little finger on the left hand.The condition in which all of the joint are engaged and Nobiai is possible during Kai.Looking up and down on the central part of the Tsuru during Yugamae.The sound made at Hanare when the Tsuru hits the Hitaiki (Himezori).An item used for winding and keeping a Kaezuru (spare string).The groove in the Yugake at the base of the thumb in which the Tsuru is knocked into.The path the Tsuru travels from Yugamae to Kai.The ring-shaped part of the Tsuru looped onto the Hazu of the Yumi. (Powder made from tree resin with the oil reduced by boiling. Also referred to as Togakeba.When the Tsuru touches the chest in Kai.A covering worn during Gyosha to guard the chest from Tsuru.

Also referred to as Katte.The strength in the right-hand is used to release over the left hand. 学生弓道、一般弓道といった差はありますが、弓道の大会にも一般的なルールは存在します。 今回はそういった弓道の大会の一般的なルールを4つにわけて解説します。 それぞれのルールを知って、弓道上達へつなげましょう。 1. 弓道とアーチェリーって何が違うの? 知らない人からしたら当然の疑問だ。 ちなみに弓道を英語でアーチェリーというとかそういうんじゃない。 弓道は英語でJapanese Archeryだから。 弓道は和弓、つまり日本式の弓を引く競技で武道でもある。 Also referred to as the Ottoribushi.The wood on both sides of the Yumi that is placed between the Uchidake and the Todake.A Dozukuri where the body is leaning backwards.The posture of squatting on the tip of the toes and with the knees not touching the floor.The form of one's physique (one's build).When about half of the Yajaku has been drawn. become slack in Kai.The correct body posture when drawing the Yumi.When about half of the Yajaku has been drawn. 弓道の奥深さにのめり込み、本や掲示板で知識ばかりつけまくる。 その知識を共有しようと思い、サイトを立ち上げました。 Copyright© 弓道9 , 2019 All Rights Reserved Powered by (In general it is used by women. Also referred to as Shimohazu.Turning one's gaze the Mato.Returning one's gaze from the direction of the Mato.A Yugake with five fingers.When a Ya wavers in flight.The point in which the Yumi and Ya intersect.An opening that occurs between the Yumi and Ya.A Ya that has been nocked but loosens from the Tsuru and falls before Hanare. Clothing which is not Tamoto (long-sleeved) but is Tsutsusode (tight-sleeved).The way of arranging one's body when drawing the Yumi.A tool used for tightly winding hemp fibers onto the area when the Hazu of the Ya is nocked into the Tsuru.The Hane on the outside when the Ya has been knocked.The bamboo on the outside of Yumi when it is strung with a Tsuru.The area above the largest curves below the Himezori.Setting the Yugake onto the Tsuru.Holding Otoya in the right hand when shooting Haya.The correct posture for holding the Yumi and Ya.Tenouchi where the pushing action is made with the wrist unbent. Also referred to as Metebanare or Migitebanare.The cane wrapping that holds together the Todake, Uchidake and Uwasekiita.The higher seat or position.During Hikiwake, the Hazu become loose from the Tsuru but there is no Yakobore and during the release, the Ya does not fly.The posture in which one sits tip of the toes with the knees on the floor and the lower back is lowered.The four Basic Postures and eight Basic Movement.Refers to the body form of the Tateyoko-Jumonji and Goju-jumonji.The series of movement when drawing the Yumi.Refers to Hanare.A powder used to stop the thumb of the Yugake from slipping. It is also line of the Yasuji when aiming in Kai.The joint where the Ya rests at the base of thumb of the left hand.The area in which the Ya flies over.The first Sharei to take place at the beginning of the Shakai.A method of bowing where the upper body is bent forward 10 centimeters.When the Tsuru rotates to the back of the left hand in Hanare.The method of readying the Yumiya.The Hane on the inside when the Ya has been nocked.


Also referred to as the Maedake.The curving back of the Yumi towards the Todake when it is unstrung.The place where the thread is wrapped on the side of the Hazu when fixing the Yabane to the No.


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