Designated Marksman Rifle

DM rifles may be issued with standard ball ammunition, or special match-grade loads, such as 7.62 mm NATO 'M118LR' sniper round. Only the best Marines in the unit are selected to attend the Designated Marksman Course, requiring a high fitness test score, outstanding rifle qualification, and exceed the standards set for the Marine Rifleman. The role of the rifle has not, however. Designated marksman rifles are designed to fill this gap, typically being employed at ranges of 300–600 metres (330–660 yd).Whether a modified existing service rifle or a specific design, the DM rifle will be chambered for a round already used in the infantry battalion, such as 5.56×45mm or 7.62×51mm, and it will retain semi-automatic firing capability with a magazine capacity of 10, 20, or 30 rounds, depending on the firearm in question.
The DMR is stealthier than the Sniper Rifle because the DMR leaves no trail of smoke.The M392 DMR's intended battlefield application is as a medium- to long-range weapon like the BR55 battle rifle. The designated marksman, squad advanced marksman, or squad designated marksman (SDM) is a military marksman role in an infantry squad. The large size of Elites makes them easy pickings. The term sniper was used in Soviet doctrine although the soldiers using the Dragunov SVD were the first to use a specifically designed designated marksman's rifle.

Since the concept’s inception into the US military, the actual rifle configuration is changed every few years. Soldiers from the 3rd Infantry Division this month became the first combat troops to receive the Army's new M110A1 Squad Designated Marksman Rifle. As such, the DMR is the COG's answer to the UIR's infamous Markza Mk 1 Marksman Rifle; providing a good balance between rate of fire and accuracy. Like the M110, the L129A1 is a variant of the AR-10 meant for use as a designated marksman rifle.

It is primarily issued to experienced operators with proficient skill in shot placement and "controlled firing," as the recoil and newly introduced reticle bloom from multiple shots can throw off the user's aim. In contrast, a DM is a soldier who has received some additional marksmanship training. In most cases, a designated marksman rifle will share the caliber and possibly even the ammunition type used by standard issue rifles. The Designated Marksman Rifle or otherwise abbreviated as DMR, is a medium-long range, high-precision weapon designed for accurate and lethal shots. The analogous role in the Israeli army is sharpshooter. The designated marksmen pair (shooter/spotter) provide overhead fire support with accuracy to the Marines on post at ground level. Landing headshots from vantage points is easy because its semi-automatic mode minimizes recoil. Due to the need fo
The typical service rifle is intended for use at ranges up to a maximum of 300 meters, while sniper rifles are generally optimized for ranges of 600 meters and greater.

The DMR kills a SPARTAN-III with full shields in four body shots and a headshot. The best strategy is to pause after each shot, then fire again as soon as the reticle contracts enough to cover roughly half of the target; simply fire as quickly as possible when using at extremely close range.

A designated marksman rifle (DMR) is the weapon used by soldiers in the designated marksman (DM) role. The DM role differs significantly from that of a specially trained sniper. A sniper is a specialist highly trained in fieldcraft, who carries out a range of ISTAR-specific missions independent of others, and more specialized than standard infantry tasks.

The Designated Marksman Rifle is not without its drawbacks. A designated marksman rifle (DMR) is the scoped high-precision weapon system used by modern infantries in the designated marksman (DM) role. The DMR has the range of a Sniper Rifle and a higher accuracy and larger ammunition capacity than a Magnum (at the cost of reduced fire rate).

The DM's role is to supplement the attached squad by providing accurate fire upon enemy targets at distances up to 600 metres. This is a discussion on Marine Designated Marksman Rifle... within the The M14 forums, part of the M14 M1A Forum category; Gents, I'm considering building a DMR and am wondering if any of you have done a build or have an idea what stock was used.


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