The element of Earth ties the 10th house down to mostly physical and materialistic matters. They absolutely believe that they are the ones who will shape their future. The native with Mars in 3rd House for Libra Ascendant is brave, courageous and skilful. If Mars is associated with Sun, the native becomes a king. Remember, Libra rising is not really a sign that looks for ultimate harmony or ultimate peace. Mars for Libra ascendants is the lord of the marriage house and wealth house and in this case, which ever house Mars makes a connection with, the native will experience effects in his marriage and wealth related to that house. This may indicate a lack of confidence in the relationship, and the partner may attempt to dominate the native, resulting in strained relationships. Venus and Mars Conjunction - Effect In Each House | Astrotalk They seem like people who are always able to take a step back and talk things over with a cool head. The native will be very hardworking, however, he will lack patience and will have short temper. It suggests that you are ambitious with very high energy levels, someone who will get what they want and nothing can stop them. The native with Mars in 10th House for Libra Ascendant is intelligent and influential but weak in wealth. Sometimes, they can find it hard to figure out what pleasure means at all. The native with Mars in 11th House for Libra Ascendant accumulates wealth and gets happiness of joint family. They conquer whatever they please. The native gets respect and fame in the society. Due to the weakness of wealth, he bears insults in the family, especially from his father. In case you dont know what this means, this house is traditionally associated with the zodiac sign Capricorn, and Mars is exalted in Capricorn. However, Cancer on the top of the chart means that they might have been in situations where people used caretaking as a means of taking control over them, of holding them hostage emotionally. The native does not care for the diseases and difficulties. However, it would not be life-threatening. Any questions related to Mars in 10th House for Libra Ascendant in Vedic Astrology? The native will earn wealth by selling cows, horses and elephants. The Tenth House in Astrology represents the working years, the time of life one is fully productive and career-oriented. Moon and Sun give neutral results in Libra Lagna as they are the lords of the 10th house and 11th house respectively. Their partners problems creates worries and obstacles for the native with Mars in 8th House for Libra Ascendant. Libra risings will often go against what the dominant position in the room is, just to cause a little havoc. The native also faces some hurdles and hindrances in occupation/profession. The native feels happy and gets dignity and honour in the society. Mars rules the 10th and 5th houses and stays in 10th house in Aries symbol if ascendant is Cancer. He will becomes a great businessmen or a trader. The native with Mars in 8th House for Libra Ascendant gets some difficulties securing happiness and peace in a joint family. What if 7th lord, Mars, is in 10th house for a Libra Ascendant? (Vedic Ascendant lord in 10th House: Lord of Lagna Effect in the Tenth House Although, Mars in the 6th house will make the native very courageous, valorous and brave. A planet which is Lord of a quadrant (1, 4, 7 and 10th houses) if is placed in another quadrant it is not good since it will carry a dosha called as the Kendradhipathya dosha. Whatever it is that a Libra rising supports, whether thats a movement or a party, they will always, always have some critiques that they bring to the table with them. The native with Mars in 10th House for Libra Ascendant is not happy with a low standard partner and feels a deficiency in sexual pleasures. This isnt so much of a breakdown, actually, and more of a synthesis. The second house is the stuff that is forced onto you, whether you like it or not. Mars governs 8th and 3rd houses in Virgo and stays in the 10th house in Gemini if the ascendant is Virgo. The native with Mars in 4th House for Libra Ascendant leads a happy and peaceful domestic family life. You are very competitive, and you want to be the best in the workplace, what sometimes annoys people around you who are not like this. You wont see these people waiting for someone to give them what they want, they actively pursue it in life. It is linked with your professional success, status, and achievements in society. Mars Conjunct Saturn Natal and Transit - Astrology King Mars in the tenth house is a common placement among successful people in the material sense of the world. Mars in the 4th house is in the sign of Capricorn and here Mars becomes exalted and creates a Raj Yoga called Ruchak Raj Yoga. The native with Mars in 7th House for Libra Ascendant improves his professional status through wisdom and gains enough wealth. Significance of 10th House The tenth house represents name and fame, success, and status. Later on, he earns enough wealth but loses. Mars gives the best result in the 3rd house, 5th house, 9th house and 11th house for Libra ascendants. Mars In Tenth House - Astro Pankaj Seth Mars will be in Venus dominated signs, i.e. Since Aquarius is sign of large organizations,Mars in this sign is favorable in the technological region. It also indicates sudden or unexpected events, as well as inheritance and legacies. The native never feels nervous. He will be rich, prosperous and will gain inheritance and parental properties in his life. He will be successful, valorous, courageous, full of glory, chanter of mantras and will be king like, commander in chief, excellence in sports and a army leader. It also shows us the qualities of our spouse. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. This house governs our hobbies, our love life, and our ability to have fun. Karak and Akarak Planets for Pisces Ascendant, Best Soulmates for Pisces | Pisces Compatibility, Mars will give good results for Libra ascendants in most of the houses except in the 6th, Libra ascendants is the lord of the marriage house, Mars gives the best result in the 3rd house, Saturn in the 6th House in The Natal chart or by Transit, house and if the native takes risky moves in money matters, he will end up losing his own inheritance in order to cope with debt and loans, as Mars from the 6th house also aspects the 12th, Mars in the 7th house is in its own sign Aries. The native feels dissatisfied from partner and family. You have an intense belief in your own ideas. You thrive in careers in which you can pioneer, take the lead, or enjoy a certain amount of freedom or independence. People know you as someone energetic and determined, which is what they respect you for. The 10th house lord in the 10th house | Vedic Astrology - Farfaraway It's possible that your relationship with your brother will suffer, and you'll have fights and disagreements with your children, especially your son. Even if theyre fiercely political people, theyre not about to line themselves up to any set political ideology. The need to be agreeable and pleasing prevents you from getting into the thick of life. In simple words, he will write his own fate and fortune. Here, the native may take multiple trips to courts and will waste his money on court cases. Mars governs the 11th and 6th houses in Gemini and remains in 10th house in Pisces if the ascendant is Gemini. The native with Mars in 10th House for Libra Ascendant loses his respect in government and society. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. However, as the 2nd house lord for Libra ascendants, it is a Maraka Planet (the planet that can cause untimely death). MARS, represents our will power, courage, ability to take actions, aggressive nature, anger, our fighting ability, brother, male friends, a boy friend for a girl, a soldier, an athlete and real estate etc. If it is Cancer Ascendant, Mars will be ruling 10th & 5th house and sitting in 9th house in Pisces sign. Libra risings have Aries on the descendent. That means that they like to be in a situation in which peace has to be made. In Vedic astrology, the 3rd House is known as the House of Siblings. The 10th house in astrology is symbolic of your life in the public's eye and your career path. The native with Mars in 9th House for Libra Ascendant is very fortunate and religious. They are extremely competitive. The native with Mars in 10th House for Libra Ascendant gets motherly affection and perfect house property. They do extensive analysis into every topic and then use considerable force to expose the facts to the world. Here, Mars is weakly poisoned in the 6th house and if the native takes risky moves in money matters, he will end up losing his own inheritance in order to cope with debt and loans, as Mars from the 6th house also aspects the 12th house of losses and expenditure. This is because it represents the things that we are most afraid of in life, such as illness and debts. As soon as you discover your true calling, you become unstoppable. The native will not be able to control his anger, while he will suffer from impatience, panic, and short-temper. If Moon is aspecting Mars or is in the 10th house, then Mars here will give very fruitful results. If you are interested in learning about Mars, check out this in-depth article about what the red planet represents in your astrological chart. While, the native will not suffer in terms of wealth and money, he will gain wealth and become rich in his lifetime. Sun is lord of 11th house and also enemy of Sun. Venus: as the lord of 3rd and 10th Houses, Venus gives bad results. Though gets excess sexual pleasures yet is not happy with his partner. Traditionally associated with the sign Capricorn, the tenth house is the house of slow but steady growth. The native with Mars in 6th House for Libra Ascendant works hard for more gains but finds it weak to maintain his glory. Gemini, ruled by Mercury, is a cynical sign. Due to which, the native will face conflicts with his father. He will have the capability to work for long house, thus such natives are often the writer of their own fate. Virgo in the twelfth house is like a self critical whisper. Natal Mars in the Tenth House in Astrology: Mars in Houses Good and bad planets for Tula Lagna /libra ascendant Jupiter in 10th House for Libra Ascendant in Astrology The native will have to face lots of challenges, conflicts and problems in his married life. Cancer and Capricorn fourth and tenth houses mean that Libra risings are working through issues related to control. The native gets happiness from their partner and enjoys sexual pleasures. He will be courageous and will be feared by his enemies. In these, houses Mars makes a good combination, and in return will give very auspicious results. Rajesh Bihani : Vedic Astrology | Spirituality | Self-improvement In this series, Im going to break down each and every rising sign and every house of your chart, based on the rising sign. It leads to presence of Kusuma Yoga. Ascendant Lord in Tenth House for Aries Ascendant So, in case it is Aries Ascendant, Mars rules first and eighth House and sits in tenth House in Capricorn sign. Because of Mars' simple essence, it also depicts someone who has domination problems with his coworkers. If you have this placement of Mars in your natal chart, this article is for you. Depending upon. Mars in all 12 Houses For Libra Ascendant | 6,138 views Aug 29, 2021 Share Astrobelief Astrology 17.9K subscribers Like Share and Subscribe Instagram:. Your career won't be impacted by other aspects of life since the lord is taking care of its house. No matter what field you choose, chances are you will be highly successful in it! It always reminds Libra rising of the ways they could be improving. The native with Mars in 3rd House for Libra Ascendant gets some success, progress in occupation/ profession. Last year, I did a workshop calling Processing 2021 Through Writing. They know you as a person who puts a lot of effort into achieving their goals, and someone who is a leader in their community. You're a self-starter! It affects daily business but he earns through foreign relations. In the birth chart, the placement of Mars shows where you spend most of your energy. Therefore the tenth house is the house of accidental exaltation of Mars. The native gets an iron-minded partner and is always harsh to him. . I decided to do a review of 2022 using the astrology of last year as a written piece instead. Mars will be ruling the 3rd & 10th house and sitting in 9th house in Libra sign. The native with Mars in 6th House for Libra Ascendant is fearless and influential. (His . Mars: as the ruler of 4th and 9th houses, Kendra & Kona /trine, Mars becomes " raja yoga karaka" for Leo's. . 11th house in Vedic Astrology is known as the Labha Stan. 8th House in Vedic Astrology is known as the house of death, inheritance, and Transformations. For any Ascendant lords of 3, 6, and 11th houses give . The native with Mars in 2nd House for Libra Ascendant leads a luxurious life and spends much wealth. You tend to identify yourself with tour actions. The native with Mars in 11th House for Libra Ascendant keeps enemies under control and gains strength and income through them. Represented by the symbolism of scale, they are masters in keeping and maintaining balance in life. If Saturn is daddy, then there is a built in silliness, grossness, and sexiness to Saturn. Prateek`s Vision Of Astrology: Moon Conjunction Mars in Astrology - Blogger Otherwise, he may function as a physician or a soldier. Ketu - Likewise, If Ketu is Ascendant Lord through its sign Scorpio, as it co-rules Scorpio along with Mars, and sits in 10th house in Leo then 1st of all we need to make sure of Mars' position as it is the main ruler. What if Mars is in the 10th house for Libra ascendant? Fifth house deals with pleasure and having Aquarius, the sign in which the Sun finds its detriment, in the fifth house makes Libra rising a little cold when it comes to pleasure. The native is hard-working, wise and influential. Mars from the 5th house aspects the 8th house of sudden events, accidents and hidden things in life. Built with, Effects of Sun in the 1st House: Vedic Astrology. The 4th house also signifies our emotional well-being and sense of security. As Mars is not in a very good dignity here, native will be combative with teachers and . The native with Mars in 9th House for Libra Ascendant gets the fathers blessings. The Sun this Month: Central Focus, Consciousness. It manifests in the body as physical energy and strength in the social sphere. It represents our relationships with our brothers and sisters, as well as our ability to communicate effectively. But due to moolatrikona in 1st house, Venus gives benefic results. In this case, its your career. They are still adamant about their reporting and claims. Saturn In First House Libra Ascendant (Thula Lagna) For Libra ascendant Saturn being 4th and 5th lord, it is a powerful yoga karaka. Mars and Jupiter become Akarak planets for Libra ascendants as Mars is the lord of the 7th house and 2nd house, while Jupiter is the lord of the 3rd house and 6th house. Mars, on the other hand, remains a malevolent world. His brother will be prosperous. Your email address will not be published. In a birth chart where Mars is close to the Midheaven, all traits of its placement in the tenth house become more emphasized. The 10th house in Scorpio points to you loving being in control and someone who aggressively chases your goals. Theyre people who often feel like theyre reluctantly pushed along in life by outside circumstances. Mars in the tenth house is a common placement among successful people in the material sense of the world. With Mars in the tenth house, you can be quite driven, goal-oriented, and competitive. This type of person only emerges when there are hot headed issues circulating that everyone gets a little stirred up about. On the flip side, the Leo eleventh house means that a lot of the people who know Libra rising might think that this person is all about just letting loose and having fun when, in fact, thats not actually the full story. For Aries ascendant 10th house is Capricorn and for Scorpio ascendant 10th House is Leo. Mars in tenth house | Mars in tenth house for different zodiac Gemini Ascendant - Astro Pankaj Seth Mars is considered to be a malefic planet, but it can also bestow great strength and power. It also represents our mother and homeland. Virgo, the sign of Venus fall, in the twelfth house means that Libra risings must overcome insecurities around what good labor or good work looks like to achieve those honors. Capricorn is the sign where Mars exalts. The tenth house is also the house of public image and reputation. Ketu in 10th House Meaning, Effects and Remedies Libra ascendants are known for their ability to balance and control emotions and anger. 12th House also governs our Karma, endings, and release. It goes without saying that financial success follows. However, when someone with this placement works in a regular workplace where they have a boss, there are often clashes between them. Such a native is courageous and lives long. The native with Mars in 9th House for Libra Ascendant is learned and farsighted. When theres disagreement, thats when Libra risings get excited. Libra ascendant. Tenth House Astrology: Career, Success, and Social Status - Well+Good He will face lots of conflicts and quarrels in his married life. It represents our material possessions and our ability to accumulate wealth. sThey possess the qualities necessary to succeed in life, such as the willingness to work hard and smart at the same time, and stay persistent. Libra risings have opinions! The concept of various planets exhibiting tendencies to be benefic or malefic on the basis of the houses they rule in . Since Mars is in Libra, a symbol of marriages, and the 10th house is the house of law and government, it also indicates someone who is a lawyer in relational matters. Virgo in the twelfth house is such a self critical placement and Libra risings can be perfectionists. Libra risings are not folks who feel the need to scream in pleasure or demand it eagerly. The native with Mars in 10th House for Libra Ascendant leads an unhappy domestic life. He keeps maintaining a steady progress in occupation/profession. Mars in Libra, Mars in the 10th House - Astrology Owl This house can tell us a great deal about our financial security and our capacity for financial success. The native influences enemies and wins over them. Mars in all 12 Houses for Scorpio Ascendants. Rights Reserved by Vidhya Mitra Astrology Foundation. Mars in 10th House for Libra Ascendant in Vedic Astrology - Vidhya Mitra When they do that, Libra risings will be able to break those expectations that they thought they had to live up to and emerge strong and unafraid. The 4th aspect of 10th house Mars upon the 1st house or Ascendant (the house of self, soul, and body) indicates possessing a strong body with healthy and bulky musculature (not necessarily in the childhood). So Sun is Malefic for Libra Ascendant. Mars is the planet of action in astrology, and its no surprise that Mars in the tenth house people are active and dynamic. While Placidus is still the most popular house system being used, its actually more relevant to electional astrology than using your natal chart to understand your personal drives. The native with Mars in 1st House for Libra Ascendant is physically weak but feels happy. The native with Mars in 3rd House for Libra Ascendant is unlucky and not interested in religious activities. The Cancer and Capricorn fourth/tenth house challenge is about finding the means to care without feeding vocabularies around emotional manipulation. You put a lot effort into getting things done and you are extremely passionate about your career. While, he will suffer from his children. The native with Mars in 9th House for Libra Ascendant gets happiness of land and property. Mars in ninth house | Mars in ninth house for different zodiac Libra ascendants are one of the most unique signs among all Zodiac signs, as the one word that describes them is Aishwaryawan, or so called born to be wealthy and prosperous. Several planets here suggest a person who is well-known in their community, often in a leadership role. Mars in the 10th house being 1st Lord: Mars becomes the Lagna Lord for Aries and Scorpio ascendant. Every stereotype about Libra talks about how it is conflict avoidant and about how the scales really just want to balance out all the issues and find an equilibrium. Mars directly aspects the 1st house which makes the native have a very impatient personality. Makes it a bit confusing? The native also faces some hurdles and hindrances in occupation/profession. Welcome to the world of Vedic Astrology & Spirituality : Libra risings might feel like theyre never ready to start doing the things that theyre meant to do and like they themselves are works that never begin to progress because they never really begin. Scorpio here means that Libra rising are forced to change whether they like it or not. They have to talk back to the critics voice in their head and figure out how to start something even if its not 100% there because, really, no project is ever 100% there, especially not in the beginning stages. Mars in all 12 houses for libra ascendant - Astrojai Taurus, the sign of the Moons exaltation, here also can mean that Libra risings feel like they have to live up to a lot of emotional expectations in their relationships. In Vedic astrology, the 9th house is associated with good luck, fortune, and Dharma. It represents the way one uses energy on many different levels. Developing analytical thinking is important, as impulsive thinking will bring difficulties. Let's say a Mars Return chart has Libra Rising, and Venus, the ruler of Libra, is placed in the 11th house of that return chart. Having Sagittarius in the third house means that Libra risings arent here to circle around the truth and come back. Simultaneously, he may have a strained relationship with his mother. Mars in the 11th house gives extremely auspicious results as Mars here is in the sign of Leo. The native can be engaged in business in a foreign land or a place away from his native place. 10th House also represents your father, or a male authority figure in your life. This single Raj Yoga is enough to bring lots of name, fame, wealth and success into the life of the native. Lilith in 11 and Pluto 20 libra. The native gets respect from government and society. The native will be very short-tempered, impatience and will get angry very quickly. Saturn is auspicious for the ascendant signs, Taurus, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius. If Mars is in a fixed sign, this becomes even more significant. The 10th house in fact describes whether a person will rise in life and create his own empire or lead an ordinary salary life. What happens when the 7th lord Mars is in the 5th house for a Libra If you feel that wants to interfere with your goals, it makes you really angry. Good and bad planets for Leo Ascendant / Simha Lagna Mars as the lord of the 2nd and 7th Houses for Libra Ascendants Mars is generally known to have a neutral relationship with Venus, the ascendant lord for Libra risings. It is an excellent position. It also rules power and prestige, respect and reputation, ambition, and authority, in your life. Five million astrologers all over the world read Vidhya Mitra Astrology. 8th house also deals with occult knowledge, astrology, and other metaphysical subjects. The native with Mars in 6th House for Libra Ascendant earns money through court cases. It's a balanced position, not too good nor too bad. The native is of Gaur Varna, a loose son and a thick nose. If the ascendant lord is in ascendant and career lord Mars is in 6th house, the native will be rich . . A common trait of a person who has Virgo in the twelfth house and Pisces in the sixth is never starting on the projects that they want to do because they feel like the idea itself is never perfect enough to begin on.
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