Australia immigration coronavirus

Home > Immigration News > Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Visas for Australia. To find out more, go to Smartraveller’s coronavirus (COVID-19) information. Australia's agricultural and farming sector is currently lobbying Canberra to extend the visas of working holidaymakers and seasonal workers.UK consular officials have advised people to "I know that recent events have created a lot of uncertainty and concern for British people in Australia," said UK High Commissioner Vicki Treadell. 01 Feb 2020 COVID-19 The Australian Government announces travel restrictions. ""Prime Minister Scott Morrison predicted on Friday that Australia's net overseas migration numbers would Topics: Stay up to date with SBS NEWSSBS News AppDownload our free app on the App Store or Google Play for the latest headlines and breaking news alerts.We love feedback: help us improve by rating the app and sharing your suggestions at News to your inboxSign up now for the latest news from Australia and around the world direct to your inbox.By subscribing, you agree to SBS’s Please select the editions you would like to sign up toPlease refresh the page and try again.SBS News on socialFollow SBS News to join in the conversation and never miss the latest live updates.Latest News podcastsAsk Daily BulletinWatch SBS World News live daily at 6:30pm on TV and SBS acknowledges the traditional owners of country throughout Australia.
Immigration Update: Coronavirus The COVID-19 pandemic is having an unprecedented impact on immigration policies and processes worldwide. COVID-19 Pandemic visa will allow the applicant to: remain in Australia if they have no other visa options and are unable to depart Australia due to COVID-19 travel restrictions. 17 Jul 2020 New visa options for Hong Kong The Australian government is offering new and extended visa options to students and skilled workers from Hong Kong. Share this withEmailFacebookMessengerMessengerTwitterPinterestWhatsAppLinkedInCopy this linkThese are external links and will open in a new windowAustralia is closing its borders to all foreigners who aren't permanent residents in a bid to slow the spread of coronavirus.About 80% of Australia's more than 700 cases have come from returned travellers, or people who've been in contact with them.The border closure, in effect from 21:00 local time on Friday (10:00 GMT), has upended travel plans, and is likely to split families.It's also created uncertainty for roughly two million temporary visa holders in Australia.So if you're in that situation, what do the latest changes mean?Bear in mind the situation is changing fast and that airlines may continue to cancel flights and routes.Also keep abreast of what restrictions there may be upon return to your home country.For UK citizens, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) advises to keep across guidance from governments in Australia and at home.Your visa is valid for its full duration as long as you meet its requirements - note this may include maintaining a job. It does not attempt to cover a number of other developments that are relevant to travelers, such as airline route cancellations, the closing of consular posts, and national travel advisories.
These measures are rapidly changing as the situation evolves so we strongly encourage you to consult official sources for the latest information. In order to contain the spread of the virus, dozens of jurisdictions implement new measures or change existing ones each day. This condition is common on many backpacker and temporary work visas, for instance. Thank you for your interest; we look forward to hearing from you.We recommend you regularly check this page and the most recently published Situation Overview for the latest immigration updates on this fluid situation. If its nearing expiry and you want to stay on, you need to apply for a new one before it elapses.Australia is allowing people to apply to waive a "no further stay" condition - which would typically prevent visa from being renewed. We appreciate your interest in our firm.

Already, some supermarket chains have pledged more shifts for international students.


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